Zone 3 meeting focuses on information
We had a good IFSCC Zone 3 meeting in Brazil during COLAMIQC last month. Represented were Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Peru, Argentina, USA, Venezuela and Chile.
Everybody welcomed the information and availability of information via the IFSCC website.
Many attendees felt they were not fully aware of the current ‘free’ availability of KOSMET, so we need to continue to share this information with all members.
The idea of virtual speakers was welcomed and a desired list of topics will be compiled. Some societies would also like to have the speaker visit in person

Pictured left to right: Carlos Romero (President, Asociación Peruana de Química Cosmética), Daniela Torres (President, Asociación Argentina de Químicos Cosméticos), Joao Hansen (former IFSCC Praesidium Member, Brazil), Ana Cruz Serre (VP, Asociación Centroamericana de Ciencias Cosméticas), Lidia Morus (President, Asociación Uruguaya de Ciencias Cosméticas), Jordana Bourguignon (Executive Director, Associação Brasileira de Cosmetologia), Maite San Miguel (former IFSCC Praesidium Member, USA), Diana Martinez (President, Asociación Colombiana de Ciencia y Tecnología Cosmética), Vania Leite (President, Associação Brasileira de Cosmetologia), Giorgio Dell’Acqua (Consultant, USA). In attendance but missing from photo: Celeste Rojas (President, Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Cosmeticas)