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Joining the IFSCC

The International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists (IFSCC) is a non-profit association of 51 Societies of Cosmetic Chemists around the world. As a Federation our Members are Societies – individuals cannot join the IFSCC. However, the 16,000+ individual members of our 51 Member Societies have access to educational materials on, enjoy discounted registration to our annual Congress or Conference, have free access to our online cosmetic science database,, etc.

For a Society of Cosmetic Chemists (or Scientists) to join the IFSCC here are the steps:

  • Form a Society in your country which is independent of any other organization or government body. Your Society must be completely in agreement with the goals of the IFSCC.
  • Email the following to
    • A copy of the Society’s founding documents in English, signed by the President of the organization. (Usually this means Statutes and By-Laws.)
    • A list showing the names of at least 20 Members
    • A short letter from the President of the Society, asking to join the IFSCC, and promising to pay the then-current Membership Dues per member per year.
  • After approval by the IFSCC’s Praesidium, the Council will vote to accept or deny the application. This is done once a year, at our Council Meeting, held immediately before our annual Congress or Conference.
  • After your application is approved by the Council you will immediately become a Member Society of the IFSCC.  You will be invoiced for Membership Dues, prorated for the rest of the year. (Note: The current Membership Dues rate is 7 swiss francs per person, which has held steady for 10 years.)

Note that you will also need to, in most cases, register your Society as a non-profit in your country. Depending on your country, this process could take a long time. You’ll also need to open up a checking account, etc.

If you have any questions, please contact IFSCC Secretary General, Mònica Morales at