Join us at the IFSCC 2020 Virtual Yokohama Congress

Here’s a brief video (4.5 minutes long) from The Society of Cosmetic Chemists of Japan welcoming you to attend the IFSCC 2020 Virtual Yokohama Congress. The speaker is Dr. Fuji Kanda, a long-time IFSCC Praesidium Member and former Chair of the IFSCC Science Committee.
Registration for the Virtual Congress is ongoing at For less than EUR/USD 300 IFSCC Members will get 24/7 access to:
- Nearly 90 podium papers on 14 October
After the start of the Congress 21 October:
- the Distinguished Lecture by Nobel Prize Winner Honorary Professor Yoshinori Ohsumi, Ph.D.
- nearly 600 posters
- entertaining and informative videos on Japan and its culture
- access to the IFSCC Golden Book (the 4 issues published since the 2019 IFSCC Milan Conference)
Take advantage of this truly unique opportunity to attend an IFSCC Congress without leaving your house or office.
“See” you in Yokohama!