Sun Care Basics webinar Wednesday 29 June, with Dr. Sungho Lee, Sunjin Beauty Science

Everyone with skin should watch this webinar.
Dr. Sungho Lee, CEO and President of Sunjin Beauty Science (Korea) and IFSCC Honorary Secretary, will give us an introduction to sun’s effects on our skin. Then he’ll talk about how to protect ourselves against the sun’s harmful rays. You’ll be shocked to learn the real-world value of your sunscreen (hint: how you apply it has a big impact on its effectiveness).
Dr. Lee will be broadcasting from Korea at our usual time on Wednesday 29 June:
West Coast USA 8h = Mexico City / Chicago / Bogota 10h = East Coast USA 11h = Sao Paolo 12h = UK 16h = Central Europe / J’burg 17h = Tel Aviv 18h = New Delhi 20h30 = Sing / HK / China / Taipei 22h = Japan / Korea 23h = Melbourne 0h Thurs = Wellington 2h Thursday.
To register, click here. Even if you can’t join us live, register so that you will automatically receive a link to the recorded webinar.