Stability Testing: The Why’s and What’s and Other Questions Answered – Webinar 1 or 2 June depending where you are

IFSCC Members are always interested in a fresh global perspective so our next webinar features the winner of last year’s Top Presentation award at the New Zealand SCC’s Annual meeting.
Richard Lawrence will discuss Stability Testing: The Why’s and What’s and Other Questions Answered. He will start from the basic question ‘what is stability?’ then move on to discuss the ‘why, what, when, and who’ of this essential function in three different areas:
- physical and chemical integrity
- microbiological testing
- packaging stability
Peter Tsolis, IFSCC Treasurer, will be our Guest Scientist leading the Q&A with Perry Romanowski hosting.
This webinar will be broadcast live from New Zealand, so the day of the webinar depends on where you live:
Wednesday 1 June
West Coast USA 16h • Mexico City / Chicago / Bogota 18h • East Coast USA 19h • Sao Paolo 20h • UK 0h
Thursday 2 June
Central Europe/J’burg 1h • Tel Aviv 2h • New Delhi 4h30 • Singapore / HK / China / Taipei 7h • Japan / Korea 8h • Melbourne 6h • Wellington 11h
All registrants will receive a follow-up email with a recording of the webinar, so do register even if you can’t watch the webinar live.
Richard Lawrence has been involved in the personal care industry for nearly 20 years, with experience in Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Product Development, Regulatory Affairs, Market Registration, Microbiological Tracebacks and Advice. Currently offering contract services to industrial clients, Richard previously worked in the dairy industry and the veterinary pharmaceutical industry, and managed a commercial laboratory servicing many different industries. He has consulted as a technical expert for chemistry laboratories on behalf of government approved regulatory bodies. The biggest challenge of his career was the commissioning of a new infant formula plant which involved overseeing the fitting out of a new laboratory, assessment and purchase of necessary laboratory equipment, employment and training of 19 staff over a 4 month period – all of this with a young family.