SCS Scrub Up On Science competition finds formulation excellence in schools

The SCS Scrub Up On Science (SUOS) competition for schools is now in its fourth year and the standards of creativity and knowledge at this year’s final at Manchester’s Museum of Science and Industry on 20 June 2018 reassured us that we can indeed feel confident for the future. All six finalist teams produced outstanding bath bombs or bubble baths (or in one case both!) and really made it tough to pick a winner.
Of course there has to be a winner and it was huge congratulations to Glasgow’s Trinity High School who won with their fabulous Cauldron Bubble Trouble Bath bomb, packed with surprises including green soap and eye balls. The formulating team of three girls – Erin, Nikita and Magda – styled themselves as ‘The Weirdos’ and wore witches hats to work their gender neutral bath bomb magic, enchanting the SCS judges right down to the tea aged worksheets.
Trinity has been an SUOS finalist every year and this is the second time they’ve won the competition. SUOS really has captured the school’s imagination. Originally SUOS resources and the competition were used as part of a science club but now the school has a dedicated cosmetic science club. One teacher at the school makes and sells lip balm so she’s also been involved. Now, thanks to a bit of funding, enterprising science teacher Lauren Zeb has ordered a soap kit and will be applying for a license so the school can sell soaps. Trinity also keeps bees and Lauren has a honeycomb mould ready to tie the two together!
Scrub Up On Science comprises chemistry resources and associated competition were created to get students aged 11-16 excited about science through products they are familiar with at home. It is fantastic to see the enthusiasm and creativity that is coming through.