Rainer Voegeli Travel Grant – win your trip to the 2023 Barcelona Congress

Applications are open for the 2023 Rainer Voegeli Travel Grant (RVTG), open to students or young scientists (less than 35 years old) from Least Developed Countries, as listed by the UN’s Human Development Index (HDI).
The winner of the travel grant will present their work as a Podium or Poster presentation at the 2023 IFSCC Congress in Barcelona so will be chosen from applicants who have had an abstract accepted by the Scientific Committee of the IFSCC 2023 Congress. The award will cover round-trip coach/economy class travel to Barcelona, Congress registration fees and four nights at a hotel.
Membership of an IFSCC Member Society is not a requirement.
While you may not be eligible yourself perhaps you know, or know of others who would qualify, so please forward this information to them.
How can a student or young scientist apply for the 2023 Rainer Voegeli Travel Grant?
- Be a national of, and live in, one of the Least Developed Countries
https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/least-developed-countries - Submit an abstract to the IFSCC Barcelona Congress no later than the deadline
www.ifscc2023.com - Send a CV, a copy of your passport (or other national ID document) and a copy of the accepted abstract by 31 May 2023 to the SWISS SCC (Swiss Society of Cosmetic Chemists) at rvtgrant@swissscc.ch
The subject line should read ‘2023 Travel Grant submission’
The final decision on the award winner will be made by the board of the Swiss Society of Cosmetic Chemists, together with Rainer Voegeli (pictured below).
The Rainer Voegeli Travel Grant was introduced in 2017, funded initially with prize money won by Rainer Voegeli at the IFSCC 2016 Congress. This covered the 2017 and 2018 awards, with Rainer’s employer, DSM Nutritional Products, funding this grant into the future. The grant is jointly administered by the Swiss Society and DSM.
2021 – Géraud Azehoun Pazou (Benin)
Paper Automatic detection of skin phototypes based on features extraction from face images and neural networks
2019 – Fandresena Arilala Sendrasoa (Madagascar)
Paper Excellent response of alopecia totalis to hydroxychloroquine: report of two paediatric cases and quality of life assessment in patients with alopecia areata in Antananarivo, Madagascar
2018 – Mandeep Dutta Joshi (Nepal)
Paper Impact of decorative cosmetics: How the community patient responses to quality of life in developing country
2017 – Adama Sangaré (Senegal)
Paper Xylopia aethiopica, a unique representative of the African cosmetopeae
- Applicants must be less than 35 years old on the day they apply for this award.
List of Least Developed Countries (Human Development Index < 0.646, according to https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/hdi-by-country)