Microbiome-Friendly Cosmetic Ingredients from Industrial Waste Residues – Webinar 24 July

The cosmetics industry has been at the forefront of using upcycled ingredients to differentiate itself in a market that craves innovation
One of the main goals of large industries today is balancing economic growth with the sustainable management of solid waste generation. One way to enhance this challenge is to seek partnerships in adjacent markets that can bring added-value to products whose ultimate destination is landfill. The cosmetics industry, in particular, has been at the forefront of using upcycled ingredients to differentiate itself in a market that craves innovation. This webinar will address the imperative need for sustainable practices in the cosmetic industry by focusing on the strategic reuse of residues as an eco-friendly source for probiotics or post-biotics ingredients in cosmetics formulations.
Wednesday 24 July
8h West Coast USA • 9h Mexico City • 10h Chicago / Bogotá • 11h East Coast USA • 12h São Paulo • 16h London / West Africa • 17h Central Europe / Central & South Africa • 18h Tel Aviv / East Africa • 20:30h New Delhi • 23h Singapore / HK / China / Taipei • 0h Japan / Korea
Thursday 25 July
1h Melbourne • 3h Wellington
Daniela Sales Valverde is an Industrial Pharmacist. She graduated from the Federal University of Paraná, did a Postgraduate in Magistral Manipulation and Advanced Cosmetology at the Racine Institute and has an MBA in Marketing from ESPM. She has worked for companies such as Croda, Ingredion, Avon and was Technical and MKT Latam Manager at SEPPIC. She is currently Senior Scientist in Research and Strategic Product Innovation at Boticário Group.