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Meet the Fellows: Dr. Luigi Rigano and Dr. Bob Lochhead



The IFSCC has only named 3 IFSCC Fellows to date. In June you met 1 Member of this illustrious club, Dr. Fuji Kanda. On Wednesday 14 July you’ll meet the other 2:  Dr. Luigi Rigano (Società Italiana di Chimica e Scienze Cosmetologiche) and Dr. Robert (Bob) Lochhead (Society of Cosmetic Chemists, USA-Canada). They’ll be interviewed by IFSCC Immediate Past President Emanuele Piras.

Learn about the interesting career of these two fascinating scientists, what they think about our industry, and what advice they would give cosmetic chemists today.

Free for IFSCC Members. To register, click here.

At our usual webinar time: 8h West Coast USA = 10h Mexico City = 11h East Coast USA = 16h London = 17h Europe / South Africa = 18h Tel Aviv / Moscow = 20h30 New Delhi