IPCE rethinks beauty in Venice

Venice is the stunning setting for the 7th Intercontinental Personal Care Excellence Conference (IPCE), taking place this year from 11-12 June. This one is being billed as a Special Edition, combining scientific and cultural elements.
The aim of the IPCE, organised by the Italian Society, ISCC, is to act as a connecting bridge between the last IFSCC Congress and the following one; in this case Barcelona, Spain and Foz du Iguass, Brazil. Under the common thread of rethinking beauty while respecting biodiversity and sustainability, authors of the best Posters from the 2023 Barcelona Congress will alternate with internationally renowned Master Readers.
The spectacular Scuola Grande di San Marco in the heart of Venice is the venue for the conference. The nature of the location means that places are limited so SICC is encouraging early registration to avoid disappointment.