IFSCC 2022 Congress – Full Scientific Programme now available

Influential experts from over 30 countries will speak about headline topics at the IFSCC 2022 Congress in London from 19-22 September 2022 at Westminster Park Plaza Hotel and the full Scientific Programme is now available at www.ifscc2022.com/programme
“We are delighted to finally be able to unveil the full Programme and thank everyone who has made this possible,” said Judi Beerling, Chair of the IFSCC 2022 Organising Committee. “We would especially like to thank Dr Majella Lane and the Scientific Committee, and IFSCC President Elect Dr Tony Gough as well as everyone who has shared their research with us. We look forward to seeing everyone in London!”
The event begins with a grand Opening Ceremony on the evening of Monday 19 September at Central Hall Westminster, located almost directly opposite the Houses of Parliament. A range of Educational Workshops are also on offer there during that day (starting at 9am) as a pre-Congress optional extra. With limited availability the Educational Workshops are pre-bookable alongside a Congress Registration.
The 32nd IFSCC 2022 Congress is organised by the Society of Cosmetic Scientists, UK and Ireland, under the theme Where Beauty, Science and Innovation Meet. Congress sessions start on 20 September.
You’ve seen the session titles. Now take a look at the detail. We have some absolutely fantastic science to look forward to.