Henry Maso Award Winner starts 2022 IFSCC Webinar Series

Join us Wednesday 12 January 2022 for our first IFSCC Webinar of the year. Maxime Légues of CTIBiotech, 2022 IFSCC Henry Maso Award Winner, will present his paper The World’s First 3D Bioprinted Immune Skin Model Suitable for Screening Drugs and Ingredients for Normal and Inflamed Skin.
We’re delighted to have the Chair of the IFSCC Henry Maso Award Committee, and IFSCC Chair of Science, Dr. Frédéric Leroy join us as Guest Scientist for this webinar.
The webinar will be broadcast live at our usual time: West Coast USA 8h = Mexico City/Chicago 10h = East Coast USA 11h = London 16h = 17h Central Europe = Tel Aviv/South Africa 18h = Singapore/HK/China/Perth 0h = Korea/Japan 1h = Melbourne 2h
For more information, and to register, click here.
Maxime Légues, Presenter, and Dr. Frédéric Leroy, Guest Scientist.