Fragrance for Chemists – Webinar 6 April

Fragrances are mixtures of chemicals, so it is important to understand the structure of aroma molecules. It is now also important that these ingredients be created in the most green and sustainable ways possible. Environmental effects and fate are vital characteristics, and computer programs can yield useful information on aspects of aroma chemicals like biodegradability and aquatic toxicity. Aroma chemicals and mixtures also follow the laws of physical chemistry, which can explain evaporation and diffusivity behavior. Fragrances are also commonly used in surfactant and emulsion systems, where polarity and chemical stability are key factors.
Join us for an insightful webinar on Fragrance for Chemists with Steve Herman on Wednesday 6 April at our usual time of 11am. Steve is President of Diffusion LLC, a consulting firm specializing in regulatory issues, intellectual property, and technology development. He also serves as Scientific Advisor to Sino Lion USA.