Exposome webinar – sign up now

Our free webinar series featuring experts from around the globe continues on Wednesday 24 June with Edith Filaire keeping you up to date with The Exoposome’s Impact on Hair, Skin and the Aging Process.
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Edith Filaire (French Society; Greentech), Wednesday, 24 June from France
The Exposome’s Impact on Hair, Skin, and the Aging Process (click to register)
- Times 7h West Coast USA = 8h Mexico City = 10h East Coast USA = 15h UK = 16h Central Europe = 19h30 New Delhi = 22h HK/Singapore
There is a growing body of literature attempting to gain an understanding of the exposome (solar radiation, polution…) of human skin and hair and its contribution to the skin aging process. In this talk, the following topics will be covered
1. Definition of exposome and how it relates to cosmetics
2. Deleterious effects on skin and hair including: senescence, reactive skin, microbiota dysbiosis, alopecia, hair graying
3. Natural solutions from the marine, plant and microorganisms to protect the skin and hair from these effects
Edith Filaire obtained her PhD from the University of Clermont-Ferrand in 1997. She has worked in major French universities (Lyon 1, Clermont-Fd, Orleans-Paris Saclay). From 2006 to 2018, she was full Professor and -co director of a Research laboratory at Orleans-Paris Saclay. Her research focused in nutrition- health and used a psychophysiological approach .
Currently, she is scientific director of the GREENTECH GROUP, including 4 companies (Biovitis, Greentech, Greensea and Mapric). In this Group, she develops thema about biology, neuroendocrinology and psychophysiology, nutrition-health, and microbiota. She is author/co-author of more than 135 contributions to scientific international journals and 5 chapter books. Recently (7th November 2018: Lisbonn), she was nominated for the Women in Tech International Award that recognises people around the world who innovates, inspires and transforms the technology.