Economical and societal valorization of Amazonia bioproducts by protecting biodiversity – Webinar 18 September

Ahead of the 2024 IFSCC Congress in Brazil, Rômulo Zamberlan’s presentation will showcase Natura’s 20+ years of dedication to sustainability and Amazon regeneration, highlighting their innovative approach to combining science and traditional knowledge for the development of sustainable products and practices. It will emphasize the urgent need for Amazon conservation and showcases their agroforestry model as a solution that benefits both biodiversity and local communities, ultimately promoting a path towards a sustainable future.
Wednesday 18 September
8h West Coast USA • 9h Mexico City • 10h Chicago / Bogotá • 11h East Coast USA • 12h São Paulo • 16h London / West Africa • 17h Central Europe / Central & South Africa • 18h Tel Aviv / East Africa • 20:30h New Delhi • 23h Singapore / HK / China / Taipei • 0h Japan / Korea
Thursday 19 September
1h Melbourne • 3h Wellington
Rômulo Zamberlan leads Natura’s Advanced Research division, driving the development and implementation of disruptive technologies into the company’s product portfolio. His team’s expertise spans a broad spectrum, including regenerative agriculture, phytochemicals, natural ingredients, molecular biology, bioinformatics, and pre-clinical methods. Rômulo holds a Bachelor’s degree in Material Engineering from the University of São Paulo and a specialization in Innovation Management from MIT. With more than 20 years’ experience at Natura, he has contributed significantly to various facets of innovation and R&D, including product and packaging development, eco-design and innovation management. Prior to joining Natura, Rômulo held positions at Unilever, A.T. Kearney, and Avon Cosmetics.