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Coschem launches virtual events



Due to the national lockdown and the ongoing restriction on group gatherings to slow the spread of the coronavirus, Coschem is hosting virtual events to maintain the vital connection with its members.

The Society kicked off its virtual events programme, which is free to members, on 29 April with a social Zoom cocktails session. Attendees dressed up and had fun during Coschem’s fun online cocktails. They also used the time to discuss their lockdown experiences.

The next online event was a webinar on the Microbiome of Scalp and Skin, which took place on 30 April. Robyn Brown of Botanichem provided the educational support for this webinar.

According to Brown’s presentation, the human skin is host to between one million and one billion microbes per square centimetre. These colonies of microbes are affected by the environment, climate and stress.

Brown explained that the relationship between the microbiome and skin care is rapidly becoming a key trend in the premium skin care category, particularly in moisturiser and cleansing products. Research has shown that a healthy skin microbiota provides an environment for the skin to thrive and fight unhealthy pathogens. An imbalance in skin microbiota leads to ageing, sensitivity, dryness and acne. In the context of the scalp the result is dandruff, an aged scalp and scalp sensitivity, which ultimately leads to hair thinning and loss, as healthy hair requires a healthy scalp.

Probiotics & prebiotics
The key to healthy microbiota maintenance lies in incorporating probiotics into skin care. Probiotics are well known for their ability to restore intestinal and intimate comfort, build immunity and improve emotional health. Now skin care formulators are recognising the role of probiotics as a beneficial microorganism for the skin and these microorganisms are finding their way into skin care formulations.

It is believed that probiotics help with anti-ageing and moisturisation. They soothe, protect and can help boost the efficacy of other skin care products. They also regulate dysbiosis and the pH of the skin, assist with barrier function, improve skin defence and protect the skin.

Prebiotics are described as food for the skin microbiome and they are thought to slow down the ageing process, reducing signs of fatigue, improving skin barrier function and restoring scalp health.

Probiotics are live bacteria but in terms of cosmetics may also be the contents of the cell or the products of the fermentation using microorganisms. This is in future likely to be called a postbiotic.

Brown also explained that the use of pro-, post- and prebiotics has been common in the Korean beauty market for a while and is now gaining popularity with skin and hair care brands around the world.

Nano legislation
The next Coschem webinar took place on 13 May, featuring a presentation on nano legislation by Nicola Barnard-Marais of Sensient Cosmetic Technologies.