Brazilian Biodiversity Access Regulations – Webinar 29 November

Brazil has the most biodiversity of any country in the world thanks to its six varied biomes: Amazonia, Pantanal, Cerrado, Caatinga, Pampa and Mata Atlantica. Hundreds of natural ingredients are sourced in Brazil from these diverse biomes, many of which are used by the cosmetic industry. In 2001, Brazil, as a signatory to the Nagoya Protocol, issued regulations for the protection and sustainable exploration of its irreplaceable genetic heritage. João Hansen’s presentation on Wednesday 29 / Thursday 30 November will explain the most current regulations to be followed in order to access the biodiversity of Brazil’s biomes.
Wednesday 29 November
8h West Coast USA • 10h Mexico City • Chicago • 11h East Coast USA • Bogotá • 13h Sao Paolo • 16h London • 17h Central Europe • 18h Tel Aviv • South Africa • 21h30 New Delhi • 0h Singapore / HK / China / Taipei
Thursday 30 November
1h Korea / Japan • 3h Melbourne • 5h Wellington
João Hansen has over 40 years experience in the cosmetics industry, 38 at Avon where he worked in the Quality, Production, R&D and Regulatory Affairs. He joined the Associação Brasileira de Cosmetologia in 1986, serving as President 2013-2017 and Regulatory Vice President 2021-2023. He serves on the ABC Advisory Board 2023-2025.