Ask the Formulator: Irwin Palefsky – Webinar 15 June

‘Ask the Formulator’ is our most popular webinar format and it’s back on Wednesday 15 June. This time you’ll have the expertise of Irwin Palefsky at your disposal. With over 45 years in the cosmetics industry, serving in various R&D positions from Development Chemist to Laboratory Director, Irwin has much to share.
Click HERE if you would like to submit your question in advance or bring your questions to the webinar.
REGISTER HERE for the webinar.
West Coast USA 8h • Mexico City / Chicago / Bogota 10h • East Coast USA 11h • Sao Paolo 12h • UK 16h • Central Europe / J’burg 17h • Tel Aviv 18h • New Delhi 20h30 • Sing / HK / China / Taipei 23h • Japan / Korea 0h • Melbourne 1h Thursday • Wellington 3h Thursday
Irwin Palefsky has been in the Cosmetic Industry for over 45 years. He has served in various R&D positions from Development Chemist to Laboratory Director. Irwin has also held positions in sales, sales management and in corporate management. During his career he has worked for finished goods companies and for ingredient suppliers.
Irwin has been with Cosmetech laboratories, Inc, since July, 2000 where he is currently President/CEO. Cosmetech laboratories, Inc, is a consulting company serving the Cosmetic and Personal care Industry since 1974. Prior to joining Cosmetech Laboratories was at Lipo Chemicals for 11 years where he held the position of Vice
President of Domestic Sales as well as being responsible for the R&D and application laboratories.
Irwin has been on the Board of the National Society of Cosmetic Chemists and has served as Chair of the NY Chapter. He has written chapters on Formulating Topical Personal Care & Cosmecutical Formulations and has been a co-inventor on numerous patents.