IFSCC Debate: Reef Safe Sunscreens – Environmental Concern or Marketing Hype? Webinar 9 August

There’s significant consumer interest in Reef Safe Sunscreens, but is there really such a thing? Is there science to prove that reef safe sunscreens exist, or is it just marketing type?
Join us for another in our popular series of IFSCC Debates. Our debaters will be:
- Dr Heleen Kibbelaar, Science Meets Cosmetics
- Autumn Blum, Stream2Sea
The Moderator will be Perry Romanowski, IFSCC Chair of Education.
Dr Kibbelaar is a cosmetic scientist who posts frequently on social media on the science behind cosmetics, including her thoughts on sunscreen. Autumn Blum has created a line of reef safe sunscreens (and other products) as part of her advocacy of marine life.
Join us to hear both sides of this hot topic.
Wednesday 9 August
8h West Coast USA • 9h Mexico City • 10h Chicago / Bogotá • 11h East Coast USA • 12h Sao Paolo • 16h London • 17h Central Europe / South Africa • 18h Tel Aviv • 20h30 New Delhi • 23h Singapore / HK / China / Taipei • 0h Korea / Japan
Thursday 27 August
1h Melbourne • 3h Wellington