Debate: Transparency in the Cosmetics Industry – do we need to do more? Webinar 5 April

For our next webinar on Wednesday 5 April we have a debate. This time the topic is transparency and whether our industry needs to be more transparent. Crystal Porter thinks it does while Perry Romanowski thinks it doesn’t. What do you think?
Try and get to this webinar live as we’ll be asking everyone attending to vote both before and after the debate to see whether our debaters are persuasive enough to convince people to come over to their side.
Overseeing proceedings as moderator for this event we have Valeri George of Simply Formulas.
Times West Coast USA 8h • Mexico City 9h • Chicago / Bogota 10h • East Coast USA 11h • Sao Paolo 12h • UK 16h • Central Europe / J’burg 17h • Tel Aviv 18h • New Delhi 20h30 • Sing / HK / China / Taipei 23h • Japan / Korea 0h • Melbourne 1h Thursday • Wellington 3h Thursday
All registrants will receive a follow-up email with a recording of the webinar, so do register even if you are unable to join us live.