Sustainability and UV Protection: Myth or Reality? – Webinar 1 November

We welcome Philip Jacobs from Singapore for our next webinar on Wednesday 2 November. During his presentation – Sustainability and UV Protection: Myth or Reality? – Philip will reinforce the needs of UV protection and then review the challenges and possible solutions to provide sustainability with UV protection products.
Times West Coast USA 5h • Mexico City 6h • Chicago / Bogota 7h • East Coast USA 8h • Sao Paolo 9h • UK 12h • Central Europe 13h • J’burg / Tel Aviv 14h • New Delhi 17h30 • Sing / HK / China / Taipei 20h • Japan / Korea 21h • Melbourne 23h Thursday • Wellington 1h
Philip Jacobs’ tertiary background is Mechanical Engineering with experience in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. In 1978 Philip joined the cosmetic industry in Australia and focused on the UV protection and cosmetic market. In 1994 he relocated to Singapore for a regional cosmetics ingredients management position. With 44 years in the industry and 32 years in Asia Pacific region, Philip worked with Givaudan, Haarmann & Reimer/Symrise before establishing his own consulting business in Singapore in 2006. Philip conducts UV Protection training programmes and has been an adjunct lecturer for sunscreen related courses at the Singapore Polytechnic. He is a Life Member of the SCSS, a member of the ASCC and a respected cosmetic and UV protection lecturer in the Asia Pacific region.