IFSCC Webinar Series
Join our free webinar series featuring experts from around the globe. Keep checking this page for new offerings. Registration required; free for our 14,000+ individual Members. The next webinar is shown first – past webinars are shown at the bottom, with links to their recordings A five minute preview is available to the general public on IFSCC’s YouTube Channel.
Wednesday 27 / Thursday 28 November

In next week’s webinar, our latest cosmetic insight from the Coschem Cosmetic Certificate Course, Anton Weber will explore the various factors influencing the creation of a cosmetic product, from the initial idea to final production. Attendees will gain insights into how cross-functional departments collaborate and contribute to the development and manufacturing processes of cosmetics.
- The factors that shape a cosmetic product idea
- Understanding the key production processes and equipment used to bring cosmetic formulations to life
- How different departments – such as R&D, production, quality control and supply chain – interact and align to ensure successful product creation
Wednesday 27 November
8h West Coast USA • 10h Mexico City • Chicago • 11h East Coast USA / Bogotá • 13h Sao Paolo • 16h London • 17h Central Europe / West Africa • 18h Tel Aviv / South Africa • 9h30 New Delhi • 0h Singapore / HK / China / Taipei
Thursday 28 November
1h Korea / Japan • 3h Melbourne • 5h Wellington
If you can’t make these times register anyway and we will send you a recording of the session.
Anton Weber is a passionate Scientist with an insatiable curiosity and a deep love for working with people. His interests span a wide range of fields, including Mathematics, Physics, Philosophy, Psychology, Pharmacy and Economics. What truly drives him is the exploration of innovation and cutting-edge technologies, particularly within the cosmetics industry. Anton thrives on understanding new chemical technologies at a molecular level and exploring their broader impact on a macro scale.
With over 12 years’ experience in the cosmetics industry, Anton has developed expertise across multiple domains, including compounding, technical management, research and development, production management and planning. He has successfully implemented GMP 22716 quality systems and also has experience in selling raw materials to the marketplace.
Throughout his career, Anton has worked across several product categories, including Color, Bath & Body, Hair and Skincare. He holds a Diploma in Analytical Chemistry and Cosmetic Science, which he pursued part-time to further deepen his technical knowledge. Anton is always eager to embrace new challenges and advance the science behind cosmetics, constantly seeking to push the boundaries of innovation.
IFSCC.org website registration and log-in required
Disruptive Innovation in Alternative Methods to Animal Testing: From Bioinformatics to Bioprinting
Carolina Catarino explored cutting-edge innovations in the development of alternative methods to animal testing, focusing on how emerging technologies like bioinformatics and bioprinting are revolutionizing preclinical safety and efficacy assessments.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Economical and societal valorization of Amazonia bioproducts by protecting biodiversity
Rômulo Zamberlan showcased Natura’s 20+ years of dedication to sustainability and Amazon regeneration, highlighting their innovative approach to combining science and traditional knowledge for the development of sustainable products and practices.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Holistic Sustainability in Cosmetics
L’Oréal’s Alice Xavier explored the company’s ambitious ‘L’Oréal for the Future’ program, diving into the their commitment to eco-design, minimizing environmental impact across every stage of a product’s lifecycle.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Ask the Formulator
Another great session with our experts answering your formulating questions. Thank you to our cosmetic scientists – Mark Broussard, Colin Sanders and of course Perry Romanowski – for their expertise.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Biodiversity in Brazil: Key Insights into the Regulatory Framework
Isabella Estabile (Marinello Advogados) presented the most important international treaties relating to biodiversity, with a specific focus on Brazilian’s local legislations.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Microbiome-Friendly Cosmetic Ingredients from Industrial Waste Residues
In this webinar Daniela Sales Valverde (Boticário) addressed the imperative need for sustainable practices in the cosmetic industry, focusing on the strategic reuse of residues as an eco-friendly source for probiotics or post-biotics ingredients in cosmetics formulations.
surfactants ever more sustainable.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
The challenge of making surfactants more sustainable
Surfactant and sustainability expert Dr Tony Gough highlighted some of the challenges in making surfactants ever more sustainable.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
The Dilemma Of Borderline Claims
Many cosmetic products will overlap with either medicines, medical devices, foods, toys and biocides. Claims expert Dr Theresa Callaghan covered this often tricky area of borderline cosmetics.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Introduction to Soap Bar Technology
In our latest glimpse into the Coschem Cosmetic Certificate Course, Gillian Kühn treated us to an Introduction to Soap Bar Technology.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Understanding and managing skin tone and pigmentation disorders
Isabelle Castiel-Higounenc deciphered the various biological mechanisms that need to be addressed when taking a holistic cosmetic approach to the specific problems of melanin over-production or accumulation, responsible for dark marks and skin tone heterogenicity.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Ask the formulators
Another great ask the formulators session. Answering your questions this time we had Perry Romanowski with Valerie George and Marisa Plescia. Absolutely a must-see webinar.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Natural cosmetic paradigm: Rethinking formulation design
Dr Olga Biganska explained how her team has used hectorite gels as a central brick in formulation to open up a new way of cosmetic product design. Top 10 Poster from Barcelona 2023 Congress.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Deep dive in positive emotional communication in humans
Our 2023 Basic Research Award winner, Aline Robert-Hazotte from Shiseido’s Europe Innovation Center, shared her award winning research on fragranced products with emotional benefits and enhancing social communication.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Controlling pruritus in Atopic Dermatitis via AhR pathway
Exciting research on microbial derivatives for managing the symptoms of Atopic Dermatitis from Samira Tamoutounour (L’Oréal). This was a Top 10 Poster from the IFSCC Barcelona Congress.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Introduction to Fragrance
Current Coschem President, Johrinda Nel, shared highlights from the fragrance module of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists South Africa (Coschem) 2-year cosmetic science certificate.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Visualizing NMF distribution across the human face by 2D-DESI MS imaging
By visualizing ‘invisible’ molecular dynamics underlying skin homeostasis, deeper investigations of facial skin biology at the molecular level have become possible. Keishi Kihara of the Shiseido MIRAI Technology Institute explains the implications for site specific and tailored facial skin care products.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Microbiome-based Segmentation of Skin Types
Dr Elsa Jungman of HelloBiome shared how to create innovative segmentation of skin profiles based on microbiome data, moving beyond the classic dry, oily and combination categories for personalization and product development.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Ask the Formulators
Expert formulators Matt Zoeller (3V Sigma USA) and Perry Romanowski (IFSCC Chair of Education) took a wide range of questions ‘from the floor’ in this interactive webinar.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Brazilian Biodiversity Access Regulations
Brazil has the most biodiversity of any country in the world and João Hansen’s presentation explained current regulations to be follow in order to access the biodiversity of Brazil’s biomes.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Introduction to Neuromarketing in Cosmetics
Internationally recognized expert in the emerging field of Neuromarketing in Cosmetics, John Jiménez shared his knowledge on this fascinating topic.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
COSCHEM module – Packaging for Cosmetics
Anthony Gilbert DeBeer (Premier FMCG) condensed 2 of Coschem’s cosmetic packaging modules into a single IFSCC webinar.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Cosmetic Chemist Guide to AI
An educational and entertaining presentation on AI from Perry Romanowski, including an AI-generated song performed by Perry with his ukelele.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Small-Angle Scattering for Cosmetic Chemistry
How small-angle scattering techniques can be, and have been, applied to cosmetic systems, with an eye to future applications.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Key factors when choosing Sulfate-Free surfactants
Sulfate-free shampoos have been very popular in recent years. Núria Narimon shared expertise on how to choose the best surfactant for your formulation?
Click here to watch the edited recording.
IFSCC Debate: Reef Safe Sunscreens – Environmental Concern or Marketing Hype?
Dr Heleen Kibbelaar (Science Meets Cosmetics) and Autumn Blum (Stream2Sea) debated this extremely hot topic.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Dental care (Coschem module)
Sarie Liebenberg of Coschem, the Society of Cosmetic Chemists South Africa, educated us about all things dental in this latest session to use material from Coschem’s Cosmetic Science Course.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Novel features of foam
Dr Kei Watanabe of Mukogawa Women’s University explained the creation of a new microemulsion to provide superior make-up removal performance.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Canola-based surfactants: Advantages and Properties
Giacomo Ancri of Albright & Wilson (Australia) will shared his award winning paper with a deep-dive into canola-based surfactants.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Skin DNA: The cellular secret to protect
Dr Eliza Lopez Rivas of Gattefossé España discussed the many ways in which skin DNA can be damaged but thankfully also explained how we can repair damage to skin DNA.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Diabetic Skin – its differences and new product opportunities
On 21 May 2023 Dr Fred Zuelli (Mibelle) explained how diabetic skin differs from ‘regular’ skin and how these differences, and the need of diabetics for symptom relief, suggest new product possibilities.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Basics of Emulsion Technology (COSCHEM module)
The Cosmetics Chef, Conny Oberrauter took us through Emulsion Technology taken from Coschem’s certificate course in cosmetic chemistry.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
A novel phytosphingonsine based 1-O-Acyiceramide: synthesis, physiochemical characterization and role in the lipid lamellar organization
Dr Chang Seo Park shared this top rated poster from the IFSCC 2022 London Congress.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Decoding epidermis reconstruction through time-course multi-omics data integration
Dr Elias Bou Samra of L’Oréal R&I won the IFSCC Basic Research Award for this podium presentation at the IFSCC 2022 London Congress.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Circular Economy and Sustainable Packaging: Trends and Innovation
Moving beyond green, and moving beyond sustainable, we are moving towards the circular economy. Rosa Matilde González Lebyba of AIMPLAS Technological Institute of Plastics (Spain) discussed trends and innovations in packaging.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Debate: Transparency in the Cosmetics Industry – do we need to do more?
Crystal Porter argued in favour of more transparency and Perry Romanowski argued against in this thrilling debate chaired by Valeri George.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Non-Invasive Optical Sensing of Skin Using Spectroscopy
On 21/22 March we were fortunate to have two scientists from Shiseido covering this topic: Dr Mariko Egawa as speaker and Dr Tomoko Sekine as guest scientist.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Preservation Technology
In our latest glimpse into Coschem’s certificate course in cosmetic chemistry on Wednesday 8 March, Kirsten Scott (Coschem & Wacker Chemicals Middle East) brought us up to speed on Preservation Technology.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Latest Developments in Hair Claims Substantiation Methods
Hair testing experts Dr Paul Cornwell and Eleanor Lehman (TRI Princeton, USA) examined claim substantiation tests on Wednesday 22 February. They also shared some very exciting new test methods.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Antimicrobial preservative efficacy testing (pet)
On Wednesday 8 February Pharmaceutical Microbiologist George Lagiopoulos from the Hellenic Society of Cosmetology in Greece guided us through Antimicrobial Preservative Efficacy Testing (PET).
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Targeting RNAs to diminish the epigenetic ravages of aged skin
On Wednesday 25 January our 2022 London Congress Best poster Award winner, Dr Paul Lawrence (Executive Director of Research and Discovery, Biocogent) shared his work on using microRNAs to increase skin fiber proteins and counter wrinkle formation.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
2023 Cosmetic Trends
On Wednesday 11 January Nausheen Qureshi kicked off 2023 for us with a comprehensive look at cosmetic trends we need to know about for the year ahead.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
The year in review at the IFSCC
On Wednesday 14 December we wrapped up 2022 with a look back through this amazing year, helping to make sure you haven’t missed anything while reliving the best bits.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
12 Principles of Green Chemistry
On Wednesday 30 November Dennis Abbeduto presented a webinar based on his article published in the October 2022 issue of the IFSCC Magazine.
Click here to watch the edited recording.
Innovations in Sustainable Packaging
Alexandra Uribe of CO2RAL gives us her approach to developing sustainable packaging which works. Guest Scientist was Perry Romanowski, IFSCC Chair of Education. Broadcast live Wednesday 4 April. Click here to watch the edited recording.
“Product Classification: Cosmetic, Drug, or is it Soap?”
Such a simple question, but the answer can be very complicated! Join US food and Drug Law Attorney Prof. Roseann Termini as she explains. Adding the European / UK perspective will be Guest Scientist Dr. Mojgan Moddaresi. Watch the edited recording here.

Fragrance for Chemists
Steve Herman of Diffusion LLC dives deep into the chemical and physical properties of aroma molecules. Guest Scientist was IFSCC Chair of Education, Perry Romanowski. Broadcast live on Wednesday 6 April. Click here for the recording (scroll down the page).

“Skin Care in a Nutshell”
Society of Cosmetic Chemists South Africa presenter Wanda Posthumus condensed four certificate course modules on skin care into this 1 hour webinar. Guest Scientist was Kelly Dobos. Broadcast live on 23 March 2022.
Here’s the link to the full-length recording.

Major Considerations When Formulating Natural / Sustainable Cosmetics”
Want to make a natural or sustainable product? Before you do anything, what questions should you ask yourself? Judi Beerling, longtime leader of IFSCC educational events will present, with Tony Gough as our Guest Scientist. Broadcast live 9 March 2022.
Click here for the full-length recording.

“Skin Microbiome and its Cosmetic Applications”
With Shiseido Research Scientist Dr. Nakako Shibagaki and Guest Scientist Dr. Katz Yoshida, IFSCC Immediate Past President. From 7/8 February (depending on your location). Click here for the recording.
Learn about recent microbiome research and how Shiseido uses it in its product development.

“The Science Behind the New Cannabinoids Coming to Market”, Dr. Jamie Baumgartner, Panacea Life Sciences (USA); Perry Romanowski, Guest Scientist. From 26 January 2022.
There’s more to cannabinoids than THC and CBD. Learn about various compounds, the regulatory landscape, formulation concerns, etc. Here’s the recording.

“The world’s first 3D bioprinted immune skin model suitable for screening drugs and ingredients for normal and inflamed skin”
with Maxime Lègues, the IFSCC 2022 Henry Maso Award Winner. Guest Scientist is Dr. Frédéric Leroy, IFSCC Chair of Science. Broadcast 12 January 2022. View recording here.

“How can we control body malodor effectively?” the IFSCC 2020 Yokohama Congress Poster Award winner. Presented by Hisashi Mihari of Takasago International, with Dr. Fuji Kanda, IFSCC Fellow, as Guest Scientist. From 12 December 2021.
For the recording, click here.

“Ionic Interactions: anionic and amphoteric surfactants” with Tony O’Lenick (the second in his raw material interactions series) from 24 November; Guest Scientist Dr. Peter Tsolis. Click here for the recording.

“Surface Chemistry”: a module from the Society of Cosmetic Chemists South Africa’s long-running Cosmetic Chemistry Certificate course. Presented by Jacques Strydom; Guest Scientist leading the Q&A session is Dr. Tony Gough, IFSCC Vice President. Broadcast 10 November.
Here’s the recording.

“Ask the Formulators”: John Staton (SciPharm Pty Ltd, Australia) and Kelly Dobos (Independent Consultant and former SCC President, USA)
Another in our popular, live Q&A webinars. John and Kelly took answers sent in before and during the email. Watch the full recording of this 13 October webinar here.

“A Debate: Which approach makes better products for aging well: Eastern Tradition or Western Science?”
Dr. Karl Lintner argued for Evidence-Based Science (the Western Approach), Prof. Hong Meng and Dr. QingYang Meng argues for Traditional Chinese Medicine (the Eastern Approach). Will either side change your mind?
Moderated by Kevin Gallagher. Here’s the link from this Wednesday 29 September webinar.

Cosmetic Stability Testing
IFSCC Education Chair Perry Romanowski gives us his take on Product Stability. Guest Scientist Dr. Frédéric Leroy, IFSCC Chair of Science, led the Q&A Session.
Here’s the link to this 15 September 2021 webinar.

“Ether Sulfates and Ethoxylated Emulsifiers – Facts and Alternative Facts”
Dr. Ricardo Diez dives into the history of misinformation about 1,4 Dioxane, then presents the actual research. A fascinating talk for anyone in our industry, or for lovers of the truth.
Guest Scientist Dr. Tony Gough runs the Question & Answer period.
Click here to watch the full-length recording of this Wednesday 25 August webinar.

“Sustainable Cosmetic Formulation Design”
Dr. Samiul Amin of Manhattan College presents four example of formulation using sustainable raw materials. Guest Scientist leading the Question & Answer period was Dr. Andrea Weber, President of the German Society and IFSCC Public Relations Chair.
Click here for the full-length recording from Wednesday 11 August.

“People’s Choice” presenters from the SCS’ Naturals Conference
Attendees of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists (UK-Ireland) “Naturals in Cosmetics” Conference voted for their favorite presenter, and there was a tie. Join us as we feature the two “People’s Choice” speakers:
Dominika Minarovic, Co-Founder BYBI: “Building Beauty’s First Carbon Negative Supply Chain”
Dr. Richard Blackburn, University of Leeds: “Sustainable Cosmetics – are green beauty routines fixing the industry for people and planet or is it clever marketing cashing in on customer perceptions in a climate emergency?”
Originally broadcast Wednesday 28 July. Here’s the recording.

“Interview with IFSCC Fellows Dr. Luigi Rigano and Dr. Robert Lochhead”
Interviewed by IFSCC Immediate Past President Emanuele Piras and IFSCC Education Chair Perry Romanowski.
Broadcast on 14 July. Here’s the recording.

“Ask the Formulator”: Our second webinar in this very popular series. This time the experts available to answer your questions are Dennis Abbeduto (Colonial Chemicals) of the USA-Canada Society, and IFSCC Education Chair Perry Romanowski.
Recorded 30 June. Click here for the recording.

“The Skin Virome: recent science and product claims in the COVID-19 era”
Dr Nava Dayan, with attorneys Peter C. Marinell, Howard Smith, and Annie M. Ugulayan of BBB National Programs
What claims can you make about your product’s ability to fight COVID19? Hear the science from virome expert Dr. Nava Dayan, then the legal side from the BBB attorneys involved with deciding what’s OK and what’s not.
Here’s the recording.

Interview with IFSCC Fellow Dr. Fuji Kanda
We’ll be doing a webinar with each of the 3 IFSCC Fellows in our initial class. First up is Dr. Fuji Kanda of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists of Japan, interviewed by IFSCC Ambassador Michelle Lu.
Broadcast Wednesday 2 June. Click here for the recording.

Colour Cosmetics: South African Society Certificate Course: Class #2
Thanks to our friends at the South African Society, you can learn the Colour Cosmetics module from their 2-year in-person or remote certificate program. Color expert Patricia Kruger (Sensient Cosmetic Technologies) will take us through the material.
Patricia Kruger, Sensient Cosmetic Technologies (Society of Cosmetic Chemists of South Africa). Click here for the recording.
“Sustainability and Clean Beauty: How to get Scientific Proofs for Guaranteeing Authenticity of Plant and Algae Resources”
Featuring 3 speakers from France, Drs. Dubrulle, Sun, and Morvan, you’ll learn how to ensure the traceability of your raw ingredients using DNA barcoding and metabarcoding.
Original broadcast 5 May 2021. Click here to watch the recording.

Special Webinar Celebrating our One Year Anniversary, Wednesday 21 April.
“Raw Material Interactions in Formulations”, Tony O’Lenick, former IFSCC Chair of Education and the original proposer of the IFSCC Webinar Series.
You think anionic and cationic surfactants do not mix? That’s generally true. But interesting formulations can result with the right ingredients. Tony O’Lenick explains in this recording.

“Cutaneous microstructures of importance for cosmetic science”, Dr. Stefania Motta (MOST Cosmetics, CEO and Founder; Former President, Società Italiana di Chimica e Scienze Cosmetologiche)
Aired on Wednesday 7 April. Click here to watch the full-length recording.
Our skin is more complicated than most people realize. Dr. Motta introduces us to many microstructures you may have heard of before, and explains how their interact with cosmetics. Join us and you’ll be guaranteed to learn something new!

A Debate: “It’s better to formulate cosmetics with natural ingredients”, Dr. Barbara Olioso (thegreenchemist.com, UK-Ireland SCS) and Dr. Ricardo Diez (Rutgers University, USA-Canada SCC)
The second IFSCC Debate, from Wednesday 24 March. Access the recording here
What do you think? Is it better to formulate cosmetics with natural ingredients? Or doesn’t it matter? We’ll ask our viewers to vote before and after our 2 experts debate. We’ll see if anyone changes their mind.

“Hand Sanitizers: Answers to your Questions”, Sofia Lee (Lubrizol Australia, ASCS and SCSS) and Robert McPherson (Lubrizol Australia, ASCS)
Before COVID, the only people who used hand sanitizer regularly were (for the most part) either health care providers or germaphobes. Now everyone, everywhere, uses it all day long. But can you answer the questions your family and friends are now asking you about hand sanitizer? Join this webinar to learn all about hand sanitizers.
Broadcast from Australia on 10 March (NYC date). Click here for the recording.

“Our Industry Post COVID – New Opportunities for Marketers”, Ms. Maite San Miguel (Miyoshi America, Society of Cosmetic Chemists, and Sociedad Chilena de Químicos Cosméticos)
Recorded Wednesday 24 February. Recording will be available soon.
Obviously, the novel coronavirus has upended our world and industry. Ms. San Miguel presents the many ways consumer demand has changed, presenting new opportunities for marketers.

“Cosmetics Beyond Natural: clean and sustainable technologies for current consumer’s demands”, Dr. Isabel Ramos, (Ayuna – Less is Beauty; Sociedad Española de Químicos Cosméticos)
Wednesday 10 February
Consumers increasingly want green, clean, and sustainable products. How do Formulators create products which meet these newer demands with products which are safe and effective? Dr. Isabel Ramos, CSO of a company which emphasizes a healthy approach to living and beauty, explains her approach. Listen to the recording by clicking here.

“Understanding the INCI Nomenclature on Recombinant Proteins” with Dr. Mindy Goldstein (PhD Consulting)
Moderated by Perry Romanowski. Presented 27 January 2021.
What’s an INCI? Who creates them? And why does this matter to cosmetic scientists? Dr. Goldstein explains it all. She has served for 20 years on the PCPC Nomenclature Committee where she is chair of the subcommittee on biotechnology, botanicals and ferments. Click here to watch this informative webinar.

“Clean Beauty Debate – is it real, or not? with Dr Nicole Acevedo (Elavo Mundi Solutions) and Dr. Mojgan Moddaresi (Personal Care Regulatory Ltd.), Moderated by Perry Romanowski. Given 13 January 2021.
Is clean beauty just marketing spin? Or is it the future of our industry? Hear from respected experts on both sides of this debate, then tell us what you think. Join us for what promises to be a lively discussion. Click here for the recording.

“SPF Testing – How do I know if my results are correct?”, John Staton, The Australian Society of Cosmetic Chemists. Delivered 16 December 2020.
Interpreting the results received from your testing lab isn’t as straightforward as you’d like. John Staton explains….. Click here to view the recording.
‘Discovering Cosmetic Science’ – Author panel discussion with Steve Barton, Paul Cornwall, Rachael Polowyj, Jane Cunningham, and Emma Meredith (Society of Cosmetic Scientists – UK). From 2 December 2020.
Learn about this extremely useful primer for scientists (and their friends), published by the Royal Society of Chemists. Click here to view.

“In-vivo evaluation of the efficacy and the safety of cosmetic products: protocols and strategies”, Dr. Adriana Bonfigli, ISPE (Italian Society of Cosmetic Chemists). Given 25 November 2020.
A comprehensive introduction to this topic. A must-see for those interested in safety testing. Click here for the recording.

“Sun Protection – New SPF-methods make UV-protection visible, wavelength by wavelength”, Uli Osterwalder (Swiss SCC), Sun Protection Facilitator GmbH. Delivered 11 November 2020.
As Chair of ISO TC 217 (Cosmetics), Mr. Osterwalder has a unique perspective on alternative SPF methods. Learn about recent advances and the Consortium ALT-SPF which was formed to carry out the ringtests for the validation of the new alternative SPF methods. Click here for the recorded webinar.

“Tips on Improving Emulsion Stability”, Dr.Kazutami Sakamoto of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists of Japan, originally delivered 1 October 2020.
In honor of the IFSCC 2020 Yokohama Congress, enjoy a replay of this webinar, produced by the New York State Suppliers Day.
Dr. Sakamoto has presented several overseas educational events for the IFSCC which received rave reviews. He is a a distinguished scientist with a long list of appointments and accolades: Guest Professor, Tokyo University of Science Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology Institute for Colloid and Interface Science, and he is a Fellow of the Chemical Society of Japan.
Soon Dr. Sakamoto will become Co-Editor of the IFSCC Magazine, yet another career milestone.

Art Georgalas (USA-Canadian Society) and Judi Beerling (UK Society), Wednesday 16 September
“Ask the Formulator” (click here to watch recorded webinar)
Experienced Formulators answer questions from IFSCC Members around the world.

“The Rheology Guys”, Neil Cunningham and Joey Hodges of the Centre for Industrial Rheology, Wednesday 2 September
“Getting Started with Cosmetic Rheology” (click here to watch recorded webinar), a not-overly serious webinar
- Foundations of rheology: Non-Newtonian behavior, yield stress, elasticity, thixotropy and modulus in the real world.
- Cosmetic applications of rheology: Handling, stability and sensory. Characterizing physical behaviors and the rheology that defines them.
- Bringing it all together: Getting the most from your data. Communicating ideas, and informing your peers.

Satoshi Yamaki, Shiseido Americas Corp. (The Society of Cosmetic Chemists of Japan), Wednesday, 19 August
“Advances in Water-Resistant Sunscreens” (click here to watch recorded webinar)
- The importance of coating film uniformity
- Existing water-resistant technology
- Interactions between coating films and water/perspiration
- New water-resistant technology: producing a uniform film upon exposure to water

Panel Discussion: “My Unlikely Path to Cosmetic Science”, 3 IFSCC Praesidium Members on how they achieved success in our industry, 5 August 2020
None of these accomplished professionals envisioned a career in cosmetic science. So how did they reach such success? Listen to this panel discussion to find out (click here to view the recorded webinar).
- Prof. Dr. Vania Leite, President of Associação Brasileira de Cosmetologia (Universidade Federal de São Paulo)
- Katsunori Yoshida, The Society of Cosmetic Chemists of Japan (Shiseido)
- Emanuele Piras, IFSCC President / Società Italiana di Chimica e Scienze Cosmetologice (Merck Group)

Maite San Miguel López (Chilean y USA-Canada Societies; Miyoshi America), Wednesday 22 julio desde Nueva York, USA
“Adaptándose al Nuevo Escenario Mundial en Torno a la Industria Cosmética” (click aqui por webinar grabado).
Webinar en español (english version to be broadcast this fall)
¡El mundo ha cambiado bastante con el coronavirus! Maite San Miguel López comenta la nueva realidad de la industria cosmética, demanda de consumidores, entre otros.

Perry Romanowski (USA-Canada Society, IFSCC Education Chair), Wednesday, 8 July from Chicago, USA
Introduction to Cosmetic Formulation (click here to watch recorded webinar). Click here for PDF of presentation.
An introduction to the cosmetics industry, raw materials, and formulation.

Edith Filaire (French Society; Greentech), Wednesday, 24 June from France
The Exposome’s Impact on Hair, Skin, and the Aging Process (click here to watch recorded webinar). Click here for PDF of presentation.
Explaining the impact of the exposome (solar radiation, polution…) on human skin and hair, and its contribution to the skin aging process.
- Definition of exposome & how it relates to cosmetics
- Deleterious effects on skin and hair including: senescence, reactive skin, microbiota dysbiosis, alopecia, hair graying
- Natural solutions from the marine, plant and microorganisms to protect the skin and hair from these effects

Mr. John Staton, Wednesday, 10 June, from Australia
Changes to ISO Sunscreen Standards (click here to watch recorded webinar) Click here for PDF of presentation.
- Overview:
- Why update the ISO Sunscreen Standards?
- What the New Standard Means to You.
- Compatibility of ISO and FDA tests.

Dr. Karl Lintner, Wednesday 13 May, from France
Peptides in Cosmetics (click here to watch recorded webinar).
- Overview:
- Peptide Basics
- Biological Function
- Use in Cosmetics
- Skin Penetration
- Safety and Regulatory aspects

Tony O’Lenick, Wednesday 29 April, from the USA
Minimally Disruptive Formulation for Skin Care (click here to watch recorded webinar)
- Overview
- Small “tweeks” can yield big changes
- What’s Minimally Disruptive Formulation (MDF)?
- Why MDF?
- Factors to consider
- Examples of MDF