AAQC celebrates 50th Anniversary
In the middle of a very challenging year, on 20 March 2021, the Asociación Argentina de Químicos Cosméticos (AAQC) celebrated half a century of promoting the advancement of cosmetic science, spreading knowledge of the speciality through courses and master’s degrees, stimulating scientific research and development of cosmetics through prizes and scholarships, collaborating with the public authorities in matters within its competence, actively interacting with those interested in cosmetic science and technology in the country and abroad, communicating advances in cosmetic chemistry, editing and publishing papers , publishing its journal Cosmetica and promoting library and computer services, organizing and participating in congresses and conferences.
It all began in 1970 when a group of Argentine professionals from the cosmetics industry met in Barcelona, Spain on the occasion of the VI Congress of the International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists (IFSCC). Dr Jaime Rubin, Dr Amilcar Enero, Dr Eduardo Etlin, Mr Dávalos and Mr Smiles Waldhorn had the idea of forming an association that would bring together cosmetic professionals to promote the scientific and technological advancement of the cosmetic industry. Only six months later they saw the project crystallize and on 20 March 1971 the institution was formed and named: Asociación Argentina de Químicos Cosméticos (Argentinean Association of Cosmetic Chemists – AAQC). The contacts made by some of the founding members during the Barcelona Congress, together with a good project and qualified professionals, meant the AAQC was able to become a member of the IFSCC after only one year in existence. The Society then began to develop a role at international level.