Biodiversity in Brazil: Key Insights into the Regulatory Framework – Webinar 7/8 August

When it comes to biodiversity, Brazil is top of the tree. Isabella Estabile will present the most important international treaties relating to biodiversity, with a specific focus on local Brazilian legislation.
Brazil is the most megadiverse country in the world, being at the top of the list, among another 18 countries. It also accounts for 20% of the world’s biological diversity and has more than 300 indigenous communities recognized by the Brazilian government, in addition to a great variety of traditional/local villages. It is therefore very relevant to share Brazil’s legal framework regarding biodiversity, since the cosmetics sector typically uses a lot of our nation’s biodiversity and traditional knowledge to develop new fragrances and aromas.
Brazil is a signatory of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and the Nagoya Protocol.
To internationalize CBD, Brazil has sanctioned Law nº 13.123/15 and Decree nº 8.772/16, which regulates:
- Access to the country’s genetic heritage
- Traditional knowledge associated to genetic heritage, relevant to the conservation of biological diversity, the integrity of the country’s genetic heritage and the use of its components
- Access to technology and transfer of technology for the conservation and use of biological diversity
- Economic exploitation of finished products or reproductive material [livestock and agriculture] originating from access to genetic heritage or associated traditional knowledge
- Fair and equitable sharing of the benefits derived from the economic exploitation of finished products or reproductive material originating from access to genetic heritage or associated traditional knowledge, for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity
- The shipment abroad of part or all organisms, living or dead, of animal, plant, microbial or other species, that are intended for the access to the genetic heritage
- The implementation of international treaties on genetic heritage or associated traditional knowledge approved and enacted by the National Congress
During the webinar Isabella Estabile will present the most important international treaties relating to biodiversity, with a specific focus on Brazilian’s local legislations.
Wednesday 7 August
8h West Coast USA • 9h Mexico City • 10h Chicago / Bogotá • 11h East Coast USA • 12h São Paulo • 16h London / West Africa • 17h Central Europe / Central & South Africa • 18h Tel Aviv / East Africa • 20:30h New Delhi • 23h Singapore / HK / China / Taipei • 0h Japan / Korea
Thursday 8 August
1h Melbourne • 3h Wellington
Isabella Estabile is a partner at Marinello Advogados. Isabella has a Master’s degree in International Relations from PUC/RJ. She is Coordinator of the Biodiversity Committee of ASPI, is a Member of the Indigenous Rights Committee of INTA and has a Tomorrow Leader Award from INTA. She is a Professor of Intellectual Property.